(818) 928-1060
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Connected with Promotional Products
Self Promotion
Builds Recognition & Loyalty
Whether your planning a marketing or internal incentive and
recognition programs, Promotional Products are powerful effective tools. OMEGA
is experienced in the selection and on-going fulfillment of these products to
promote your objectives
Search for a product with one
of the following search
tools |
Our electronic catalog system gives you access to nearly 400,000 products from 3,000
After you've chosen your items, we can order and inventory them for you.
We can also provide detailed reporting for economic reordering.
Focus interest on a product,
service or a cause
Generate goodwill
Strengthen customer loyalty
Motivate response to advertising and other marketing
Encourage your own employees to improve performance
Accelerate sales through contests and incentive programs
A good place to GET STARTED if your looking for ideas.
- Popular Categories
- Popular Products
Advanced Search if you...
- Know what you
- Have a Budget
in mind?
- Looking for
- Just feel
like shopping?
Or, if you'd rather have
us do the searching for you. |
They are
compressed into a shape
Many shapes available
Tell us the parameters of your needs
and we'll present you with a variety of ideas.
And, when we find you the "right
product" at the "right price" we can help you with your art and
Of course, general catalogs and
product samples are also available for your review
We'll can even store your items for
future distribution and prepare a customized on-line catalog for you, complete
with color photos, pricing and product information. |
Expert in creating programs for...
Continuity Advertising |
Safety Awareness / Quality
Assurance |
Corporate Identity |
Corporate Gifts |
Trade Shows |
New Product Launches |
Advertising Budgets |
Employee and
Client Recognition |
Product Awareness |
Direct Mail Marketing |
Huge Product Selections...

Calendars |
Writing Instruments |
Mouse Pads |
Wearables - Caps, Hats, Shirts, Sweaters, Jackets, Belts, Gloves, Etc. |
Mugs, Sport Bottles, Cups |
Golf Balls, Clubs & Accessories |
Executive Gifts / Desk Accessories |
Giftware, China, Porcelain, Brass |
